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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Scientists Prove the existence of 'magnetic rope' Cause Solar Storms

The sun image was taken at 03:41 UT, dated March 8, 2011, showing the various rounds of the magnetic field of several active areas like islands on the surface of the Sun. White box wrapped specific active area where the giant magnetic ropes are found. This image, taken by telescopes Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on SDO Extreme Ultraviolet wavelength of 171 Angstroms, mapping materials corona charged gas at a temperature of about 1 million degrees Celsius. (Credit: NASA and George Mason University)

Solar storm is a tremendous explosion in the Sun, sending billions of tons of material uncharged, also called plasma, into space at speeds of more than one million miles per hour.Scientists at George Mason University have discovered a phenomenon called giant magnetic ropes that cause solar storms. Confirming the existence of this formation is the first important step to help mitigate the damaging effects of solar storms caused by the explosion of satellite communications on Earth.This discovery was made by associate professor and former student Jie Zhang Xin Cheng using images from the spacecraft Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) of NASA.Although the magnetic rope is believed to cause a giant explosion in the Sun, scientists previously could not prove the existence of this phenomenon is due to the rapid movement of the rope.However, through careful examination of the pictures taken telescope Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on SDO, Zhang able to pinpoint areas where the sun's magnetic rope is formed. Rows of AIA telescopes capable of capturing images in the Sun every 10 seconds, 24 hours per day. Due to none of this is helping the discovery.
"The rope of magnetic triggering the explosion of the sun. Scientists have debated whether this magnetic rope is there or not before the explosion of the sun. I am confident that the results of observations of this perfect could help resolve the controversial issue, "Zhang said.Solar storm is a tremendous explosion in the Sun, sending billions of tons of material uncharged, also called plasma, into space at speeds of more than one million miles per hour. Plasma cloud brings a strong magnetic field. When it reaches the Earth's magnetic cloud day or three days later, a large amount of energy deposited into the magnetosfir Earth.Normally, magnetosfir Earth solar wind deflect the damage and protect the environment. However, the solar storm has the potential to disrupt this protective effect and generate some space weather, the impact could damage the broad composition of technological systems, including satellite operations, communications and navigation as well as the power grid.Zhang's research will assist in providing early warning of solar storms and help minimize damage caused by space weather on Earth."By understanding the process of explosion in this storm will definitely help us to better predict," said Zhang. "We can not prevent solar storms, just as we can not prevent an earthquake or a volcanic explosion. But the development of predictive capacity could help reduce the damaging effects. For example, a satellite operator could lower power systems primarily to prevent damage to the system as much as possible. "It is widely believed that magnetic fields on the Sun was instrumental in saving energy and power the solar storm. However, certain forms of magnetic field lines that started the explosion is very controversial. Much of this field line with a semi-circular shaped dots embedded feet above the surface of the Sun. They are not explosive, and in fact, they often play a role in preventing an explosion.Scientists suspect that the magnetic rope, if it exists, is a phenomenon that power the explosion. Magnetic rope contains many magnetic field lines that wrap around the center of its axis and the possibility entwined with each other. Because of this coil, a strong electrical current can be carried by the magnetic rope. In theory, electric current can produce electro-magnetic force sufficient to urge the strength of the field lines and encourage other magnetic rope is moving out.The pictures revealed that AIA now, before the explosion, there is a long, low lines move past all of the active region, the temperature of the heat as high as 10 million degrees, and slowly lifted. On reaching a critical point, he began to explode quickly. This is a feature that is different from the surrounding magnetic field lines. It is now believed to be the hot channel is a magnetic rope that has been long sought by scientists.Zhang is an associate professor in the School of Physics, Astronomy and Computing as well as work on the Space Weather Lab at George Mason University. Research results reported in the American Astronomical Society Solar Physics Division Meeting, which took place in Las Cruces, New Mexico, on 12 to 16 June 2011.

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