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Friday, May 24, 2013


the theory of evolution

HISTORY OF the theory of evolution, by DARWIN
Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who proposed the theory of evolution and the origin of organism. This theory became the basis for modern evolutionary theory and the principle of the same lineage (Common Descent) with natural selection mechanism. Darwin's theory is an integral component biology. Darwin selection suggests that nature is a major cause of evolutionary agents. Darwin (and Wallace) concluded selection of the principles put forward by Malthus that any such populations tend geometrically increasing in number, and as a result, sooner or later be afoot clash between members of resource utilization especially when its availability is limited. Only a portion, often a small part, of the other big live. While last offspring eliminated. While immemorial man has always questioned the origin of life and himself. While the answer that question, there are three alternatives, namely the creation, transformation, or evolutionary biology. 

Definition of biological evolution varies from that in the biological aspects of the review. Some common definitions include: the evolution of living things is the changes in the natural living things slowly over a period of time and at lower, so that over time can form new species. Evolution is the change in gene frequency in a population over time. Idea of ​​biological evolution has long been a human thought. However among the various theory of evolution who ever in are proposing, seems theory of evolution by Darwin who most can be his theory. Darwin (1858) proposed two basic theories, the species living today are descended from previously lived species, and evolution occurs through natural selection. The development of the theory of evolution is very interesting to follow. Darwin argued that based on the pattern of evolution is gradual, based on the direction of adaptation is divergent and based on the results themselves are always in the starting formation of the new variant.

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